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building itself. The dwelling house was seized from Mr. Hall by the Confederate government and nothing ever paid for it, not even the taxes which they promised to pay.  The frame building was built by the Confederate Government.  There is due upon the property, nearly $200 in taxes, which Hall has to pay.  They ask that the small building may be given up to them now, as a fair offset to the use and the taxes, especially as the dwelling house was impressed, without any agreement or consideration on the part of Hall.  I have given candid consideration to the claim, and would recommend that it be allowed.  Knott is trying to get it arranged so that he can have the letting of it until October, which will be likely to involve us in considerable trouble, and result in putting several hundred dollars in his pocket.
4th  I have had a bill presented by a black man who was engaged before I came here to bury the dead among the freedmen. It was under orders from the military superintendent of freedmen, and the work was done in good faith. I have forgotten to mention the matter before, though it