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Bureau Refugees Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands 
Selma, April 3rd 1866

C. Cadle Jr.
Bvt. Col. and A.A.G.

I have the honor herewith to transmit the monthly returns for March. You will see that a large amount were issued from this office, over twenty thousand. These were issued to applicants from Dallas, Perry, Shelby, Bibb, and other counties, prior to the issue in bulk to those counties. The agents appointed did not come to receive the rations until the 20th of March. I then issued them the amount due for a month with the understanding that it was to serve for the month, and the the next drawing to be on the 20th April. There are continual complaints however from these counties that the amounts received are nothing to their needs. This month we issue to none of the residents in the above named counties

Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed Archive stamp per SI ignore, changes and corrections