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Office of Supt. Dist. of Selma.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Selma, Ala May 26th 1866

Bvt. Maj. O. D. Kinsman

A.A.G. Montgomery

Major: I have the honor to report the enclosed list of individuals who have drawn rations from this office, giving lien on their crops for payment.  This lien as filed in the office is a simple acknowledgement of receipt and promise to pay from proceeds of the crop.  The class has been reported for several months, and it has never occurred to me that it was without the concurrance of the Asst. Com, espececially and principally because a heading in the monthly report blank was devoted to it  Aside from that, however, it seems to me that the practice has much to show in its favor.  Several freedmen of the more advanced class have succeed in securing small homesteads, or leases on shares.  After getting stock, seed, they have found themselves at the end of their resources, and utterly unable to complete their crop without help to bridge over the [[page cut off -- month?]]