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surmount. I have however Carpenter Tools and one set of Blacksmiths Tools which I had turned over to me by Capt Whetsel, and intend to have my Stock School as soon as I can procure a Blacksmith also have such Wagons as can be repaired made Serviceable, and all others condemned as they ought to have been long ago when I purpose forwarding at Requisition for your approval for such Stock and Wagons as may be required.
Please inform me if you think it desirable to go on and repair if so I shall make Requisition for the Material
I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Joseph Groves
1st Lt Bvt Capt V.R.C.
A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S.
B.R.F. and A.L.

Transcription Notes: