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Mobile June 8th 1866

Maj Genl Swayne }
Montgomery Ala }

Dear Sir

Your esteemed favor of 8th inst. duly came to hand. I have delayed answering until I could confer with the school and county commissions

They state to me that they have [[strikethrough]] order [[/strikethrough]] instructed the Tax Collector to remit from the Freedmans Tax 80 cents for schools also 1.75 as assessors and collectors fees, which leaves the amount paid by them $3.20 as the inclosed Bill represents I think and so stated to the commissions the males ought to pay School Tax and the amount should be appropriated in manner, as you direct to the benefit of their children. Their reply is that they proceed in ascendancy with an understanding with Col Robinson before he left Mobile. I am pleased to learn the College Building will be vacated by the middle of this month. hope you will have no difficulty in reopening the schools next fall. If I can be of any service to you please command me. It gives me much pleasure to learn of your being placed in command in this State but right your Head Quarters will not be in this city. Cant you come down here to live - let me hear from you  

Yours very Truly  C R Gage