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M    Dr.
To State and County Tax upon Males between 18 and 50 years of age for 1866, in Mobile County.

[[3 Columned Table]]
|   | STATE TAX |   |

|   | Males | $. 2 | 00 
|  | 2 | 00 |
| County Tax 50 per cent. on State | 1 | 00 |
| School Tax 40 per cent. on state | [[strikethrough]] 1 | 00 | [[/strikethrough]]
| Road Tax 10 per cent. on State | |   | 20 |
| Collector's Fee |   | [[strikethrough]] 75 [[/strikethrough]] |
| Assessor's Fee | [[strikethrough]] 1 | 99 [[/strikethrough]] |
| Total Tax | 3. | 20 | 

Received Payment,


Mobile,   1866.

The above amount is what has and is being collected from male Negroes in Mobile County
E. B. Lott

Transcription Notes:
not sure if table is formatted correctly (its not, read instructions on how to format correctly) Edited: reformatted table per SI, please read instructions, changes and corrections as well