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Montgomery Ala
June 12th 1866.

Brvt Maj O. D. Kinsman
A.A. Genl.

I have the honor to request that I be remunerated for the Burial of the following Federal Soldiers

[[5 Columned Table]]
| Date of Burial | Names | Co | Regiment | By whose Order Buried |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| April 16" 1865. | W. H Brown | Lt. | 4th K.Y. Cavl | Maj. Gen J. H. Wilson | 
| April 16" 1865. | Hume Hudsucker | G. 4th Wis. Cavl. | Maj. Gen J. H. Wilson  |
| April 25" 1865. | Reuben Hall | "E" | 4th Ind Cavl | Maj. Gen J. H. Wilson |
| April 26" 1865 | J. Schaeffer | "K" | 4th Ohio Cavl | Maj. Gen J. H Wilson |
| April 27" 1865 | H. Stoops | "J" | 4" Iowa Cavl | Maj. Gen J. H. Wilson |
| May 5" 1865 | S[[?]] Malone | "C" | 5th Iowa Cavl | Verbal order of Capt Penny  |
| May 5" 1865 | J. W. Tracy | "D" | 33" Wis Infty | By orderly, |
| May 5" 1865 | J. B. Nayhans | "G" | 9" Mich | Verbal order of Capt Penny |
| May 5" 1865 | J. D. Pierce | "J" | 9th Mich | Verbal order of Capt Penny |
| Jany 23" 1866. | Jos H. Morrow | "E" | 58" Ill Inf | Capt Groves A.A.Q.M. |
| Jany 23" 1866. | Jas Carroll | "E" | 58" Ill Inf | Capt Groves A.A.Q.M. | 
| Feby 2nd 1866 | R. Wells | "B" | 58" Ill Inf | Capt Groves A.A.Q.M. | 
| Feby 2nd 1866 | Geo. Harrington | "D" | 58" Ill Inf | Capt Groves A.A.Q.M. |

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
J Griffith
City Sexton 

Transcription Notes:
Many of the cursive "o"s look like "a"s edited