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No. 22.

The United States,

To P. J. Dinan Dr

[[4 Columned Table]]
| 1865. |   | Dollars. | Cents. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 2d 1865 Mobile, Ala | For services rendered in Freedmans Bureau at Mobile Ala as Clerk during the Month of Sept 1865 - Twenty three days at one Hundred (100) Dollars Per Month | 74 | 35 |
|   |   | 74 | 35 | 

$72 35 

J. Row 38 33/ 5%

I Certify that the above account is correct and just; that the services were rendered as stated, and that they were necessary for the public service, and that the services have been reported by me, according to the Army Regulations, as per my report of "Persons and articles for September 1865.

Geo D Robinson
Col & Asst. Supt. B.R.F & AL

Fred. A. Fuller
2d Lieut 86" U.S. Col'd Infty & A.A.Q.M.

Received at  ,the  of   , 1865,
of    Assistant Quartermaster,
U.S. Army, the sum of    Dollars
and  cents, in full of the above account.
P. J. Dinan


Transcription Notes:
this is a table, please read how to format tables Are the faded out words and numbers needed? This includes "J. R[[?]] 38 33/ 5%" as well as some numbers in the right margin that I did not transcribe.