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for the purpose indicated, by reason of their lying continuous to the Chattahoochie, Choctawhatchie, Conecuh, Alabama and Tombigbee rivers. also in close proximity to the Rail Roads leading from Montgomery to Pensacola, & Mobile, and the Mobile & Ohio R.R. They are therefore, in my judgement the only available lands of the State for the Settlement of "Such Refugees or Freedmen as may desire to acquire homesteads”.
Small communities might be advantageously settled at many points above the above mountains & rivers, and Rail Roads, the boats upon which and cars affording facility for the transportation to market of the production of their labor. The manufacture of Lumber, Transportation, Rosin & affording as they do now a most remunerative return for such labors. 
All of which is respectfully submitted.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
A. Edwards
Register U.S. Lands