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Head Quarters Dist. of Mobile 
Mobile. Ala. July 7. 1866. 

Major General Wager Swayne. 
Asst. Commr. Bureau of F. R. & A.L. 
Montgomery. Ala. 

I have the honor to forward you the communications intended by petitioners, and writer to be laid before Congress, if they shall be thought by the Chief of your Bureau to possess the importance attached to them here. You so thoroughly understand the questions at issue, and the papers themselves explain the object of their writers so distinctly, that explanations in recommendations from myself I used consider entirely superfluous. 
Since the burning of the "Zion" Church, the detectives have been busily engaged in ferreting out the guilty party, and at last it seems pretty thoroughly ascertained that the man who actually fired the Church is now in New Orleans,