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Athens Ala March 12th 1866

To His Excellency Robert Patton Governor of Alabama

Dear Sir.

Since I met you on your way to Washington I am informed by Mr Geo. P Bierne of Huntsville that he failed to see you at Huntsville and forwarded to you my application for the release of my plantation in this County, on record as confiscable in the office of the B R.F. & A.L. at Huntsville.  It was addressed to Maj O.O. Howard Chf. Comr. & the acting Agt at Huntsville engaged to forward it to Gen.l Swayne & yourself were expected at Huntsville in a few days I placed the statement in hands of Mr Bierne for your endorsement & Genl Swaynes action

I enclose his letter & call yr attention to his having forwarded it & will ask your favourable consideration & recommendation to Genl Swayne. I suppose there has been some mistakes, as I never held any position under the C.S. & my plantation has really never been out of my possession, an Agent or member of my family. I am operating it with some success with Freedmen

I served with Gov Parsons in the Legislature of Alabama & beg respectfully to refer to him & trust that he may be in Washington when this arrives. The facts are fully set forth in the application forwarded to you, accompanying it is a copy of a Special Pardon granted me by the President.