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Selma May the 10th/66

Gen Wood  Sir allow me to trouble you with a reference to a matter which has been said by officers to have been some time befor you, waiting for your action which I am made to doubt by not having heard from you and it is a case that I am of opinion that if before you as the life may have lost you would have acted you without delay  I elude to the case of the house taken from Mrs L.A. Dubase some months since rongfully as you will see from the papers of the an before you and which I fear is not the case or we should have heard from you for this time the horse was he’d over from sale to sale by J.M. Whitsel a man for whom I have done a great deal of filling having in him the returned confidence her one the 5th of May her horse was sold under a answer that if you desided that the horse was the Ladys own property the purches money was to be refunded and the horse turned over to the lady he was sold therefore for him one third of his value on vary little more and purchesed by Capt Whitsel the J.M. as he saw to hold the matter in his own controll until your desision could be had but has since without your desision sold the horse for a mutch greater sum