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Camden, Wilcox Co., Ala.,
Oct. 16th, 1866

Maj Gen. Swayne
Montgomery, Ala. -

Dear Sir:

As a general rule in this section employers of Freedmen treat them well & pay punctually according to contract.  But there are a few exceptions. - Some file for frivolous causes have discharged their employees & assert the contract violated & their intention to pay nothing, &c., & I as Justice of the Peace have been called on for advice & assistance in procuring their rights & enforcing the payment of their hire.

I wish to know whether or not it is your purpose to send an officer to Camden to see that they are paid according to contract.  Or, do you expect Justices of the Peace & state courts &c to afford the only redress.

You are aware that the Laws of Ala. have been so changed as to retard the collection of debts very much.  It seems to me our Legislature ought to have made some exceptions in favor of Freedmen & other laborers dependent entirely upon their daily labor for a support.  There ought it seems, to be some more summary process for the enforcement of debts due freedmen, field laborers, than any that I know of.  Very few of the contracts in my Beat were submitted to Lt. Comstock for approval, & very few give a lien upon the crop made.  I know of no statute that provides for such a lien.

There are a few irresponsible men who have managed this year to get possession of plantations furnished