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unsuitable person to take charge of the management and education of these children.
3d that Mr Doolittle to whom the minors are bound in a man of good character solvent, truthful and reliable and I am satisfied that under the circumstance it is to the interest of the minors that they should remain with him. I have been long acquainted with Mr Doolittle and I fully believe that he will treat them well. Therefore in view of all the facts I could not in my opinion in duty to the minors (who are mostly females) take them away from him and commit them to a man of William's character, even though he be their father. The facts I have stated are inceptible of the amplest and most satisfactory proof both by whites and blacks. Do you consider it necessary in all cases to have the consent of parents to make the article of apprenticeship valid? If the father is dead is the consent of the mother necessary?  I very much doubt if the statute requires consent though in all recent cases of apprenticeship I have uniformly required it, except in a few cases where there was only a mother and she not able to support her children- 
With high Respect
I am Yours Etc
P O. Harper
Justice of Probate of Chambers County.