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perhaps more. One of the tenements was appropriated until recently, as an office of the Freedman's bureau; but the office has recently been removed and as petitioners are informed, and the tenement taken and occupied as quarters by certain soldiers of the United States, under whose authority, petitioners are not informed. Repeated applications have been made for possession of the premises thus appropriated, which were not successful. 

Your petitioners have both been duly pardoned by His Excellency the President of the United States, as shown by the warrants of pardon granted to them, and duly accepted: Copies of which warrants, with certificates of the Hon Secretary of State, are hereto attached as exhibits A. and B.; the originals whereof are in possession of Petitioners, and will be produced as may be required. 

Your Petitioners respectfully pray for an order restoring to them the use and control of their said property, and for such compensation as may be deemed reasonable and just for the use of the same which occupied or controled by or under authority of the Freedman's Bureau; or other authorities. 

All which is most respectfully submited.

J.W. Lapsley
Robert Hall