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Tuscaloosa Ala
July 16 1866

Col C Cadle Jr
Chief of Staff
Dist of Ala

I have the honor to request your protection from the Civil authorities of this place for acts done in the discharge of my Official duties and by the orders of my Superior Officer. The circumstances are as follows, In the latter part of Nov 1865 Lt Col Moore 34" N.J. Vols with a detachment of his Regt was sent to this place as a Garrison by Genl Chetlain Comdg Dist of Talledega, immediately upon his arrival he issued and published an order forbidding the sale of liquor to soldiers and imposing a penalty of fifty dolls for the violation of the same this order was published in the paper in the place several times, and saloon keepers furnished with a copy yet some of them paid no attention to it and the result was they were fined, one O Drake was fined twice once in Nov 1865 and again in Feby 1866 both times by the Col Comdg paid O Drake now commences suit against me for damages. 

Col Moore succeeded Genl Chetlain in Comdg of the Dist in Fey/66, and I succeeded the Col at this place and while in command in persuance to instructions from Dist Hd Qrs fined one man by the name of Stanley for repeatedly violating the order in reference to the sale of liquor, which fine was turned over to Col Moore Comdg Dist, this man also commences suit against me.

Transcription Notes:
(is there a final period at the end?) clarify this maybe