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H. 210 - O.N.C. 1866
H 39
Office AC BRF. & AL -
Macon Ga Aug 15, 1866.

Hill, N. Sellers
Capt and Asst Com'r

States that Ben Oliver of Macon has a niece, Ella, 12 or 13 yrs old living with Alex. Bell in Montgomery where his wife went for her, but Mr Bell refused to give her up 
Mrs Oliver wishes to bring her home & educate her - Requests that means may be taken to restore the child, if possible.

Rec'd D of A. Aug 18, 1866.
Rec'd OAC Aug 16th. 1866.

Office A. Com'r Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Augusta, Ga., Aug. 16, 1866.

Respectfully referred to Bt. Maj. Gen. Swayne, Ass't Com'r Bureau R.F. & A.L. for Alabama, with the request, if the freed girl referred to has no friends of near kin than her uncle Ben. Oliver, that the may be sent to him at Macon, Ga. 
W W. Deane
Bt. Maj. & A.A.G.
In the absence of the Ass't Com'r.
E. & M. 284.

E & M 75 No 281. D. of A. 1866.

Hdqrs. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Aug 18, 1866

Respectfully referred to G. A. Harmount Asst Supt. at Montgomery for investigation and report. 
This paper to be returned
By Order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
O. D. Kinsman
A A Genl.

Respectfully Returned.
The child "Ella" having no visible means of support was apprenticed to its former master Alex Bell of this City, and I believe has a good home. 
Geo. A. Harmount.
Ass't. Sup't. bureau of RF. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala.
August 22nd /66

Transcription Notes:
Edited: changes and corrections, filled in blanks