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a large crop of corn potatoes and peas of which deponent had no share [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] the same being planted cultivated and harvested by employees of deponent. That cotton was suffering to be picked and at the time said laborers were employed in pulling fodder harvesting corn &c under the direction of Holland 
Defendant further states that he has expended all of his means (of which he had several hundred dollars and to which he has added during the year by keeping an eating house in Columbus Ga) in feeding and paying the above named laborers. That his family are nearly naked and will suffer unless he can get his due soon. And that if he cannot get help through the Bureau he has no hopes of getting any thing. Deponant further says that upon asking Holland for a share of the cotton he was told that he (dep.) had no cotton. That said Holland with curses and threats forbade deponant to ever ask him again. 
Sworn to and Singned in the presence of Kinchen his X mark [[Threawtt?]]
Nelson his X mark Upton
J. B. Healy
Agent Bureau R. F. and A.L.