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Wetumpka Ala
Jany 12th 1866

To the Military Authorities
Montgomery Ala
The undersigned Citizens of Autauga County Alabama would respectfully represent that they are well acquainted with Jas. O. Jeffries and Nathaniel Jeffries now in your custody charged with robbing one Booth a freedman and that the said Jeffries' are gentlemen of good character & law abiding men & in our opinion the charges must be false  1

[[left column]]
Joseph B Heart 2
H.B. Tulane 3
James L Rhoades 4
I.A. Fitzpatrick 5
A.N. Lightfoot 6
B.G. Hagerty 7
W Roberts 8
H.D. Kyle 9
Milton Cooper 10
Geo. F. Bedberry 11
Will. R. Samuels 12
W H Alxander 13
[[/left column]]

[[right column]]
W.G. Penick 14
J.S. Seaman 15
Saml Haams 16
Wash G. Cain 17
Horatio H. Robeson 18
Jas M Smith 19
R L Logan 20
Wm A. Allen 21
L.F. Townend 22
J.P. Hagerty 23
J Q. Loomis 24
[[/right column]]

Autauga County January 10th 1866
We the under signed Citizens of do hereby certify that we have known J.O. Jeffries and Nathaniel Jeffries for the last 9 years and they have been boy of strong habits and under good reputation therefore we have no reason to believe that they were connected with any party or gilty of charges perferd against them By one freeman Booth of having broken into his house and robed him nor Connected with a Band of col'd Black Cavalry
J.B. Tatam
Wm H Tatam
Peter Tatam