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Crop Plains Calhoun Co Ala
Jany 19th 1866

Brevet Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
Selena Ala,


Many of the indigent in the poorer counties of this state must starve unless the Government can give releif.

I have heard that you propose to issue rations. Labor is in demand and provisions abundant in the Counties of Dallas, Perry, Marengo & Greene, have, it is vice versa. There are but few of them who would not emigrate to richer counties if they could get transportation. Transportation furnished then would give immediate and complete releif, and I think this is the cheapest quickest & surest way to prevent suffering and it will not only releive the country from a further, but will much increase to labor & hasten the development of its resources. 

The issue of rations can give only temporary & partial releif and will in a measure encourage indolence & pauperism. If you place them where they can get remunerative