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Chief Quartermaster's Office
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A.L 
Montgomery, Ala Jan 27th 1866

Brevet Colonel C. Cadle
Asst Adjt General -

I have the honor to submit the following suggestions relative to the Qr. Master department connected with the Bureau.
At Mobile, Selma, Taladega and Huntsville, I would respectfully recommend that all means of transportation in the possession of superintendents or agents to be transferred to the Post Quartermasters at those places and requisitions for transportation be made on them. This will place all property of that kind in the hands of the proper offices and save the examinations of but one set of papers at Washington. 
At Demopolis, Greenville and the other outside places where there are no regular Quartermasters, the property must remain in the hands of officers.