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Thigpen no doubt in my mind said to the relations of Henry that he might lay in jail & not before he would take him out is the reson the two uncles came to me & asked me to take him out of the Jail  I stated in the office of the Superintendent in Montgomery that the reson the contract had not been sent for approval sooner was that I left it in Hayneville to be sent on account of the very bad weather  the friend failed to go up to have them attended to for me. The facts are this  I made the first verbal & the first written contract with Henry & am the man that taken him out of jail & had all the trouble & expense of his case & no doubt in my mind but you will give me the services of the man to fill the first contract  if you will please look at the contract you will see it was made on the ninth of January instead of the therteenth with these facts before you. I leave the case to you as I know that I do not want anything but what is right.
Yours respectfuly  C.W Knight

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