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The epidemic of Small Pox which prevailed in this state during the winter has almost disappeared; but very few cases came under treatment during the past month. No cases of cholera or other epidemic diseases have been reported to this office.
The total number of patients treated during the month of April does not exceed six hundred (600)
The colonies are all in good condition; the quarters of the Freed people are clean and tidy. No complaint as to the quality of the provisions furnished, has been received at this office.  The homes occupied by the freedmen in town are generally filthy and overcrowded.
Large quantities of men's, women's and children's clothing were issued to destitute refugees and freedmen during the past month.
All of which is respectfully submitted, 
I am, General, very respectfully
Your obt servt
Charles J. Kipp
Surgeon USV
Surgeon in Chief

Bvt. Maj. Gen'l Wager Swayne 
Assist Commissioner &c.