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speedily as possible, relieving his growing Exchequer of the bureau of their support will be practically promoted by restoring these severed connections, & replacing Wives & Children under the protection & support of Husbands & Fathers. Although the within and mentioned & as yet unfortunate babes of a new born Freedom are not now in the category of dependents upon Gov't bounty, yet they must soon became so, if the transportation sought, be much longer denied them, as the Mothers are both invalids from long standing, chronic complaints & rheumatism, & their children are too young & sickly to afford them any support & my own ability to longer do so, exhausted. 
Forced by the strife of a devastating war, from their homes and their Husbands in Va, these poor exiles from these dearest of all human connections, are presented before us here, where subsistence and House Rent are so dear in the deplorable condition of helpless babes torn from their Mother's breast, & left to perish in utter destitution. But I need not elaborate the painful features of their sad fate to one, whose sensitive heart, will more vividly photograph them upon the tablets of his own brilliant Conception. I think, however, under the circumstances of their having been forced to follow myself (their then owner) from their Homes & Husbands in Va., that they might, without any very violent overstraining, of the Law, be comprehended in the Class of Refugees, & so have the needed transportation extended them. I will thank you, therefore, to address yourself personally in their behalf to Genl Howard, or some other authority in Washington, empowered to provide the Transportation