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Assistant Assessor's Office,
United States Internal Revenue
10 Division, 1st District, Alabama.

Eufaula Nov. 14th, 1866.

Com. Genl. Davis
Dr Sir.
I want to ask a favour of you, and that is, to go to the proper person at Montgomery,  belonging to or representing, the Freedman Bureau, and see if he will assist in establishing a school here for the education of Freedman Children. If he will authorize one I will see to the employing of a teacher. The principal thing I want to know is how much the Bureau will pay towards a school to be taught by a competant teacher, Lady or Gentleman. I understand that Bureau pays a teacher at Levy Ala. $75.00 per month. House rents and the cost of living, as you know, are much more of here expensive here. Please show the gentleman this letter, tell him who I am, and ask him to write me by mail. I am decidedly in favour of educating these children, and I can find a good and competant teacher.