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record of all cases adjudicated by the Court, including levies imposed, or other punishments inflicted. On the last day of each month he shall pay to the Chief Disbursing Officer of the Bureau in the State all money's accruing from levies thus imposed, and shall furnish him a tabulor statement of all the cases giving the names of the persons fined, the offences charged, and the sentences of the Court which statement shall be used by the Disbursing Officer in the settlement of his accounts as a voucher for moneys received.
3rd. Members of Bureau Courts, not paid agents, shall receive from parties interested in the cases brought before them, reasonable compensation for their services, not exceeding the rate of five dollars ($5.00.) per diem.
When crimes are committed by persons without property, members of the Court will be paid for their services out of the fund arising from fines imposed for cruelties practiced upon freedmen. The Agent or Sub. Asst. will forward these Accts. to the Asst. Commissioner who will audit and order them to be paid.
4. This Bureau having been established by the Act of Congress and its authority being paramount over