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but would like to see the order for his arrest, or know for what he was arrested? This they refused to tell him, but said they had not the order with them. They remained at the house all night, and the following morning told my Husband to go to Claiborne on the following Thursday. He said "he would," if convenient!
He left home on the 17th. March 1866. to proceed to Montgomery, in company with one of his late company, whose name was Michael Moniac, and a Mr. Avery: they were absent about two weeks, when Mr. Avery returned, and told me, "that 15 men, calling themselves unsubdued Rebs, rode up to them, ordered them to halt and took them Prisoners. They were going to hang them to the first Tree, but on reflection decided to take them to Mariana and confine them in jail. This occurred at a place called Camilton. They said they were going to take them to Mariana jail or to Claiborne. Since that time I have heard the same party of men shot and murdered them at, or near Bladen Springs, and left them lying dead on the road side for others to bury. The names of some of the men belonging to the party who stopped them and who called themselves, "unsubdued Rebs" were told me by Mr. Avery, and are. "Judge Eckles" - "George Eckles," (his son) "John Daniels," — "Carter," — "Hinston Turn'r," "Benjamin Parker," and "——— Lott."