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Chambers C.H. Ala
Feb 9th 1866.

Genl Swayne U.S.A.
Montgomery Ala


We desire to call your attention to the cases of two freedmen now confined in the Jail of this County.

1st John formerly the slave of B. Harris of this County. The facts in his case are simply these - While the forces of Genl Wilson were passing thro' Macon Co the overseer on the plantation in that County had the negroes & mules hid out in the woods when the federal forces carried off this boy John and a mule with him. John was finally released by them and returned to this County when he was arrested by order of a Magistrate and lodged in Jail on the charge of stealing the mule which he rode off with the Federals. He has been in Jail since the 23" Oct 1865.

2nd Frank a freedman formerly the property of a Mrs Daniel under similar circumstances was lodged in Jail here on the 17th Decr 1865.

We submit, Sir, that under Gen'l Order No 1 Adjt Genl's Office Jan'y 12" 1866. that these freedmen are illegally restrained of their liberty and should be immediately discharged. Will you send us an order to the Jailer for their discharge - or an order to the "Probate Judge" to investigate the cases and discharge them if the facts appear as alleged Please let us hear from you -

Very Resptly
Dean & McCraw
attys &c.