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for their own interest, and be anything but impartial.

I do not of course presume to dictate with regard to the course to be present, but at the same time, most respectfully recommend the affair to be taken into consideration, both for the benefit of the indigent Whites, and the Government interest. Party feeling is running strong in this State, and those who do not belong to "the powers that be" will be sure to go to the wall, and their share appropriated to those, who are perhaps not deserving of Government aid. This I most respectfully state is only my opinion, but it is an opinion based on facts and local experience.

The Colony at Garland is healthy, and on the decrease. I am sending them some clothing (which I received yesterday from Lieut. McGogy)

I gave the Intendant of this place, twenty blankets and clothing to correspond, for the use of the convalescent small pox cases, so as to prevent contagion, and the spreading of the disease.

Many intricate cases have been brought before me lately, through Planters disagreeing among themselves their complaints were laid before me, but I could never get the parties together. I therefore found it hard to decide, however one thing I am certain of

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