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Office Asst Supt
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & AL
Greenville Ala Mar 5th 1866

Col C Cadle Jr


I have the honor to report that in consequence of the arrest of the agent, who had the same in charge on suspicion of complicity in the difficulty of Thursday night and reported drunkness, I felt it my duty to reclaim the rations which had been ordered to Pike County, and have them yet in my possession. It was also charged against the agent, that he had used language of a very seditious character. I am waiting a full investigation: and as soon as the affair is satisfactorily explained will act. 
I regret that the difficulty of Thursday night produced as our best citizens suggest by the indiscriminate issues of Rations, was followed by an occurrence which has produced great excitement here, I allude to the killing of young Godwin, a most excellent citizen by one of our soldiers. The officers with