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Mobile, Ala April 23rd 1866

Brevt. Major Genl' Wager Swayne;
Montgomery Ala;

Dear Sir;
At the request of my father I write to inform you, that since your departure from this city he has been taken suddenly ill and is at present entirely incapacitated from attending to business. He is very solicitous and anxious to wind up his business matters with you, + he desires me to say that he will use every endeavor in his power to attain that consummation at the earliest possible moment. His attack has been so severe that on day before yesterday we all despaired of his life, but I am happy to say that his physicians now think him out of Danger. So soon as he is able to rise from his bed and move about he will immediately address himself to your affairs. 
I am Very Respectfully, Yours,-
C.R. Montague.