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Garland May 3rd 1866

Major Kiernney
A.Adjt. Genl. Montgomery Ala

Your of 2nd inst has been rec'd, You desire me me to state certain facts connected with myself and the Bureau, at this place. Sgt Stannard controling the Bureau here applyed to me two or three times to visit the suffering and sick freedmen under his care he told me that he had no orders to employ a physician. I then informed the sgt that I did not think I could attend unless I knew that I would receive pay. The small pox broke out among the freedmen & Stannard repeated his request for me to attend. I wrote to Captain J. W. Mostyn at Greenville and received a letter to forward my bills which had not commenced, and a verbal recept. go to continue. & then commenced to attend the sick. I attended four cases and went to Greenville with my acts ($160) T.W. Mostyn was not acting when I went Greenville
I was introduced to Capt T.O. Stanburg by T.W. Mostyn who stated to Capt Stanburg the nature of my bill, Capt Stanburg approved of what had been done and tole me that my money would be collected and he requested me to continue. I was not imployed for any specified for any length of time & no price was mentioned for services & could have prescribe for eight or ten light cases but did not. I have been very moderate in my charges but