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Montgomery Ala
23rd May 1866

Major O. D. Kinsman
Asst Adjt. General
Bureau of R. F. & A. L
Montgomery Alabama

I have the honor to report that in compliance with special order No 82 (Extract II) dated Office Asst Commissioner B. of R. F. & A. L. State of Alabama Montgomery Ala May 15th 1866 I visited Clayton Ala & Eufaula Ala. via Opelika Ala., Columbus Ga. Union Springs Ala.; by private conveyance from Union Springs & Eufaula via Clayton Ala distance (55) fifty five miles I arrived at Clayton Ala. at 2.45 o'clock P.M. 18th Inst. & found here a grave dug a rope tied and a large number of people collected to witness the Execution of Henry Witherby freedman which was to take place at 3 o'clock P.M. The prisoner