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This day a negro woman reports to me, with her face all swollen, that she had been beaten twice by one young man, during the last ten days; I am urging the Civil authorities to bring the man to justice, but I have no confidence in any authority that requires urging to arrest a young man for wilfully striking an inoffensive old woman. I would respectfully request that a good man be commissioned to administer the law under the authority of the Civil Rights Bill. Mr Miller a merchant of this place, and formerly connected with our army would accept the commission. Mr Miller is strictly a Union man, with sufficient energy, and ability. In fact I know of no other learned man with sufficient energy (in this place) who can take the test oath.
I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.F. McGogy
Spec'l Ag't Bureau R.F.&A.L.

O. D. Kinsman
Major. & A.A.Genrl.

P. S. In my adress, I advised the people to obtain what education they could, without neglecting their families, or friends: regardless of what their business required.
J F McGogy