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Office Act. Sub. Asst. Comr.
Bureau of R. F. and A. L. 
Columbus Ga. Aug, 1. 1866

O. D. Kinsman
A. A. Genl. Dist. of Ala.


I have the honor to forward here with an affidavit of a freedwoman living in this city, who came to my office and requested my assistance in having her two children, held in Ala. against her will, restored to her. I have heard a great many similar complaints against the Agent in Russell Co. Ala. the freedmen seem to have no confidence at all in him; they came to this office with their complaints, stating that it would be useless to go to the Agent in Crawford, or that they had been there, but he would not do anything for them, and that a colored man could not obtain justice in Russell Co. no matter how much the right may be on his side

Transcription Notes:
2-19-2021: Deciphered remaining [[?]]s and made corrections; Marking for review