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Laura Taylor, freedwoman, being duly sworn deposes and says: That she lived on the plantation of Frank Boyken, Russell County Ala. with her two children, Mary and Joseph, until last Christmas. When she left Mr. Boyken refused to give up the children, saying that they were duly  bound to him by Judge F. A. Waddell, Agent of the Freedmens Bureau at Crawford, Ala. When she protested against her children being bound without her consent, she was driven off the place. She then stole her children, but the sheriff of the County pursued her and took the children back. A week ago she went to Judge Waddell, and asked to have the children restored to her, he would not listen to her, saying the children were bound, no matter with or without her consent. He threatened to put her in Jail if she would come again. 

Laura Taylor her mark X
Sworn and subscribed before me 
This the 31st of July 1866
Fred. M Garland
Capt. V. R. C. and A.S.A. Comr. 
Dist. of Columbus Ga.