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LB 64

Office Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Greenville, Ala. Sept 10th 1866

I have the honor to inform you that I have received by today's freight train (50) Fifty Barrels Flour, & (49) Forty-nine sacks of meal which to all appearance is in good condition; when I was on the train returning from Montgomery, I had an interview with Gov. Patton, in which the Gov. informed me that Genl. Swayne had promised him that each County would receive (30) Thirty days rations for September, regardless of the date of issue. I see a similar statement in the Paper but have received no instructions from Hd Qrs to that effect; but on the contrary have been directed not to issue back rations, but to include the day of issue, and the remaining days of the month; will you please instruct me in reference to this matter.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt. 
J F McGogy

Lt. J.F. Conyngham.
A A A Genl.
Montgomery Ala