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Garland Ala
Sept 18th 1866

In accordance with your instructions I today went out to make inquiries in regard to the assault committed by James Pryor upon the persons of Priam and Winne, both colored, and most respectfully make the following statement as related to me by Mr Micajah Lee, and Geo Douglas, both of whom were eye witnesses of the transaction
Mr Lee says that Priam was employed by him, and that after he had been to work there, and that from that time out this Woman and Priam were constantly stealing chickens and other things. Mr Pryor and his wife went from Home one day, and upon their return found that some person had stolen some Flour, Meat and thread. They found a track upon the floor in some flour that had been spilled. they measures this track, and then measured the womans foot. They both agreed. Pryor then took the Woman into the Woods, put a Rope around her neck and Hung her for some time. then took her down and severely whipped her. at this time she confessed having stolen the Articles charged by Pryor. [[strikethrough]] on their [[/strikethrough]] When Pryor declared his intention to hang and whip this woman these men say, they advised Pryor not to do so, but to put the Law inforce against her. But that [[strikethrough]] he swore [[/strikethrough]] he would not do so, and swore that