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of the "Colony" wishes to clear, and cultivate, and for all the timber required to build good log houses for any number, with the provision that the said houses are to be left on the land; at the end of the two years or at any time that the Colony should be removed from said land, except lumber that may be brought on the land; the $25.00 per month is also to recompense Mr. Oglesby for any amount of wood used by the asylum, so that the amount does not exceed 25 Cords during any one month, we would not use to exceed 25 Cords during any one month, but would use near that amount during the winter months, regardless of the wood required for cooking purposes during the summer months. It will require but very little labor to make good gardens on the land. If you think it advisable to secure the lease of this land, on the above mentioned terms: I would respectfully request that you authorise me to employ two freedmen in addition to the one that I have at present at a salary of $20.00 per month, for one month to erect cabins, also please order the Quarter Master to furnish me two or four Mules, and in a few weeks I will have the inhabitants of the "Asylum" comfortably situated in a healthy locality, with a Schoolhouse in their midst.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt
J F McGogy