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Centre, Ala
Sept 21. 1866 

His Excellency,
R. M. Patton, Governor

Sir, Enclosed I send you the proceedings of a public meeting, held in the town of Centre, on the 25th day of August last. Under the resolutions of that convention, and by the appointment of the chairman, I have been requested to act as chairman of a Central Committee whose duty it is made to correspond with your Excellency, Gen Swayne, and the several Rail Road Companies, to ascertain, what and, if any, in the way of transportation can be obtained for destitute families in this County, who desire to move to some point where they may be able to obtain a subsistence by labor, I have been waiting for some weeks for reports from the different civil beats, but owing to the great want of mail facilities these reports have been destroyed and but few are in now. I take up one beat for example.  Out of that beat there are 25 families