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In case of the State vs Joseph Jenkins, Jasper Freeman and Joseph King and Jake, a freedman, charged with the murder of Alfred Caldwell, a freedman,- the following statement of facts is made by the undersigned AJ Darby-  The freedman Alfred came into the employment of Gere & Darby on a plantation in Sumter Co. on the 10th Jany 1866 - Before that time he was in the employment of A Croom on the same plantation - Jenkins lives about 13 miles from Gere & Darby's plantation - About the 25th of Jany - I sent Alfred to Marengo County on some business- He went by Jenkin's and staid all night, as Mr Croom, his former master, had cultivated the same place before, and had corn on the place which he was willing for the negroes from an plantation to use whenever to stop all night- Alfred went on the next day to Marengo, and returned at night to Jenkin's place- This place was under the control of Jake one of the prisoners On the last night as Alfred returned from Marengo, Jake took his mule, without his knowledge in the midnight and carried him to Jenkins who tied him to his Window, and Alfred had to return next day without him- He afterward in company with one of my employees, Lewis went back to Jenkins where they found the mule, but Jenkins refused to surrender him. They returned, and I wrote to Jenkins demanding the mule, when he gave him up- On last Friday Alfred left our plantation with a wagon and 6-