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Randolph County
March 19th 1866

His Excellency
Gov R. M. Patton
Montgomery Ala

At a meeting of the citizens of Fox-Creek Beat held last Saturday Mr Henry Knight was chosen to bear a Petition to Genl Swayne asking him to give them some assistance. As the Petition States many of our People are now Suffering for the want of bread, particularly the Families of deceased Soldiers - And if we do not get Speedy relief much Suffering will ensue; besides many have abandoned their farms & gone to work for Corn - and may more will have to go soon - the result will be the Lands will not be cultivated, and next year will find us in a condition little better than the present  If we can get Corn to last until Wheat comes in - we will be enabled to make a crop
What few who had Corn have divided with liberally highly commedable - have divided until all are nearly in the same condition