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Office Agent Bureau R. F & A L
Union Springs Ala 4 Apl 1866

Brvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne
Asst Commir State Ala.

The enclosed communication from Mr John Haskey with your endorsement therein was received yesterday and the Case named having never before been brought to my attention, I immediately issued Subpoenas for the Parties and had a thorough investigation, a full report of which I have the honor herewith to enclose you.

"Examination of the Parties on Oath."  Cresy being duly sworn says That she and two Children were hired to Doct Greene by Mr Ben Rabom his agent on the plantation - one Child a Girl the other a Boy both under 15 years - Girl about 15 & Boy about 10.  Mr Rabom [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] took hold of her girl by the neck choked her and shook her, the girl did not fall down, Deponent then waited til Mr Rabom came along, and began to question him for his reasons for choking her girl, asked his motive, said he done wrong and she wanted to be justified about it - told him to come along and let's go to the Springs - She talked mighty sharp to him for she was mad.