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Demopolis April 27 1866

Maj'r Genl W Swayne 
Asst Comm'r &c —
Dear Sir 

At the last term of the Circuit Court of Marengo County, an Indictment was found against Davy Cutler a freedman, for keeping a Barber's shop without license, to which he pleaded guilty and was fined 30$; and the costs of the prosecution amounted to $31.60 — for the whole of which a judgment was rendered against Cutler — $61.60— He is a poor man, and was unable to pay the fine and would have gone to prison, but for the Kindness of two gentlemen who became his security in Confession of judgment for the fine and costs. The facts connected with the cases show, that if Cutler was legally guilty of the offence charged, he was morally innocent - and are as follows — the last Legislature passed a Revenue act, and required persons keeping a Barber's shop to take out license under penalties therein named - This, I am informed, is the first instance where a license was required to carry on that trade. And the act not having been published, no members of the Bar knew, or even suspected its existence, and it was not known to the Solicitor, until the meeting of said Circuit Court, where he was supplied