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to town, but bring no proof.  Evidence shows that Moore came into town on foot last Friday evening without any money or valuables whatever and tried to hire out.

Yesterday J.J. Hogue R.G. Clarke and Jack Hogue (Col'd) came following Moore.  They found him, had him arrested and put in jail.  That night Hogue, Clark and Hogue (Col'd) tried to get Moore out of jail but did not succeed.  

This morning they went before Mayor Guild of this city and obtained an order for the delivery of Moore to them, none of them being civil officers and each of them Hogue, Clark and Hogue (Col'd) determined to kill Moore when they arrived at a retired spot.
I had nothing to enforce my authority, but nevertheless sent the Mayor an order to keep Moore under his control until such time as a civil officer made a lawful acquisition for him from Perry County.

Moore remains in jail to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I think the three white men, J. Hogue, J.J. Hogue and R.G. Clarke, ought to be tried by a Military Tribunal, civil law is to slow for such as they.  All of them are at large.

I am Major Very Respectfully
(Signed) Wm. H.H. Peck
Capt. & Asst. Supt.

A true copy
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt. Maj. & A.A. General