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Greenville, Ala. 7 June, 1866. Major General Wager Swayne, Head Quarters, Montgomery, Ala General, I hope you will pardon my presumption and apparent officiousness, in so frequently troubling you with communications: But there is at this time the most intense excitement brewing against me in this County, threatening indeed, in the opinion of my friends, my personal safety; though in regard to this, I have encountered too many mobs to give it any concern, whatever. I have kept the position gratuitously of an agent to recommend persons for Rations, from two considerations alone. One that you had honored me with your confidence; and the other, because I believed myself sufficiently beyond the reach of prejudice, to be enabled to keep the charity of the Government, directed in a proper channel. I have never been popular in this community simply because I was not a Seccessionist, & never failed to denounce the politics, and the politicians, of the movement: though my sympathies are of course Southern, and perhaps I have done as much to exhibit that sympathy
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