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The State of Alabama
Dallas County

Know all men by these presents, That, we Henry H. Ware and his wife India Ware for and in consideration of the sum of four thousand dollars, to us in hand paid have conveyed remised and released and quit claimed and by these presents do convey remiss release, and  quit claim unto J.E. Prestridge, and his heirs, all the right title and interests, being one forth undivided interest, in and to a certain lot of land in the city of Selma described as follows, to wit: commencing at the North East intersection of Broad and Water Streets, and running thence, Northwardly along the eastern boundary of Broad Street ninety feet and thence Eastwardly at right angles to Broad Street ninety two feet adn thence Southwardly ninety feet to the Northern boundary of Water Street, and then westwardly along the northern boundary of Water Street, to the place of beginning, formerly known as Johnson's Corner. with all rights privilidges and appurtanances, belonging as shown by a deed executed on the 4th day of Marh 1863, by Wm M. Brooks, J.W. Garrot, Leonidas Watthall and W.M. Byrd and recorded in probate Court of said County in Book at folio 575 & 576. And the said Juda Ware doth hereby release and convey her right of the dower. in and to the above described lot of land and premises. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 11th day of July 1865.

H.H. Ware
J.E. Ware

J.A. Norris
A.H. Lloyd