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Greenville, Alabama
31st December, 1866.

My dear Sir,

Several articles have appeared in the papers of this place reflecting upon the actions of the Military Authorities in the case of Enoch Hicks.  The Advocate has been especially vituporative.  This paper has been much opposed to me always building up reputation by charging me with being too friendly to "Yankees".

As I am suspected of writing for papers here I feel it due to the sincerity of my disposition to say that none of the articles in question, have been written by me or had my sanction.  The articles in the News, got in during the absence of the Proprietor who is my friend, and whom I will hereafter keep right.

I wrote you two weeks since, on the subject of the Schools, in the belief, that Capt. McGogy had left us.

He did me the favor to call on me yesterday and I am rejoiced to find that there is a prospect of his remaining.  I hope so; for his official and private course has been quite satisfactory to a very fair minded man, and he has been uniformly respectful and courteous.

I am with very great respect,
Your Obt. Servt.
Benj. F. Porter.

Major Genl. Wager Swayne.