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then ordered my men to "fix bayonets" and not allow any one to come aboard the boat. As soon as the boat was landed the party on shore called for the Captain. He went off and they made him a prisoner and then called for me. I objected to go ashore until I was persuaded by the passengers to do so. I told them that I would go if they all deemed it most prudent; I went up and talked with the leader of the party; he demanded that I should surrender the boat. I told him at first that I would not surrender. He swore that if I did not surrender he would burn the boat. I asked him upon what terms he demanded a surrender. He replied that I must surrender the men, boat, & cargo without reservation. I told him that I would go aboard of the boat & obtain an expression from my men & from the passengers and if they decided for me to surrender I would do so; otherwise I should