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Sworn to & Subscribed before this the 7th day of April A.D. 1866 
Abel L. Robinson 
Justice of the Peace 

To the Commandant or Agent of Freedmen's Bureau at Montgomery-
I do hereby certify that I have fairly & impartially taken down the names & administered respectively the oaths to the various persons mentioned in the foregoing affidavit and believe their necessities are as great & real as they testify: & I further certify that in this Beat, there have been two hundred & seventy names taken down on the list of indigent or destitute persons & they have only recieved one barrell of flour one of meal & one of pickle pork, which falls far short of supplying their necessities or wants 
& as to the freedmen I have been particular in taken down only such names as those whom I knew to be in needy circumstances or destitute of provisions and also who are trying to make something to live on or are engaged in some profitable labor & not loitering about. 
As I am selected as the Agent of these persons, if you send anything to them, direct it to my home, West Point, Georgia 

7th April/66   Abel L. Robinson J.P.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer - please make sure you have read instructions. Had to reopen.